12 May 2006

Bad Dreams; Bad Dogs

I had a string of bad dreams two nights ago that I just can't shake. Even now, I still feel like I just woke up from the dreams--it is all very vivid in my mind--and I feel sort of stuck between the dream and reality.
So the string of dreams took place at the abortion clinic. And I was forcibly made to watch, over and over, abortions being performed. They also had a wing for assisted suicide at this clinic, and I was forced to watch some of those as well. And I could remember what the people were saying as they died, and how some of them actually were fighting it--almost like they realized too late at the last second that they didn't want to go through with it. And I can remember the smells and the lighting and the decor of the place. And then, after this, one of the employees was taking me around and showing me, "But we do GOOD work here" and was showing me some hospice patients and other types of invalids that they were "taking care" of. And then it went back to the abortions and assisted suicides.
It was the most horrible, horrifying, awful dream I have ever had. I don't really know exactly where the dream came from, but I am still shaken up about it. I am vehemently pro-life in all circumstances. But what struck me about this dream was how this place just had such a vagrant disregard--almost an arrogance toward--life. It was so perverted and evil and dark......
I don't know. Maybe this is God's way of drawing me back into the pro-life movement, though I don't know what that would look like. I'm not the protesting type anymore--at least not at this point. But I am the educating type.
On a lighter note, Sara's dog, Max has eaten the following: an entire bag of mini-marshmallows and a bag of ramen noodles (sans seasoning packet). Nice. Nice, Max. Those two things don't even remotely go together. At least if you're gonna eat the mini-marshmallows, eat something civilized with it, you brute. Eat some chocolate and graham crackers, for crying out loud. But Ramen??
Anyway, at least it is good to know that it is not just my dogs that are completely ridiculous.
Billy should be done completing the new path and shade garden on the north side of our house today. I think it looks pretty cool. And when all the plants fill in, it will look even better. I got some lupines and some other types of shade plants to put in around things. There are already some columbines around the area and peonies, so it is just a matter of giving things time to fill in.
We are trying to figure out a way to wage war on our dandelions (by the way, did you know that "dandelion" means "lion's tongue"?) which are taking over our yard. Last year myself and Hollie, my sister, spent days digging up all of the dandelions. This is because our household is organic--no chemicals please.
But, our neighbors to the south have a blantant disregard for lawn and house care. And all of their dandelions blew onto our yard. Nice.
So, we have been researching organic dandelion control. Apparently there are some chemicals on the market that will stunt the dandelions, especially as they are just emerging in the spring. They are made out of natural oils and corn juices and stuff. Pretty cool. I think I will have to invest in such products when we come home from vacation b/c our neighbor to the north, Jim, will probably hate us if we don't do something about it.
Jim is definately a Lawn Man. He cares about his lawn.
Also, through a series of events, the City has agreed to plant one of their left-over Honey Locust trees in our front yard to replace the poor tree that perished when my dear husband was moving into the house. I am very happy about it--and happy about not having to spend money on a tree. And even happier that the city is going to take out the old stump AND plant the new tree for us.
Back home to Mott again this weekend with the dogs. They are going to stay with the parents while we are gone and run around on the farm like the maniacs that they are. This means another 10 hours of driving this weekend. And, I don't really have any reasonable projects at the moment, so I will probably end up reading The Complete Works of Walter Trobisch that I've had out of my pastor's library for about 10 years. More like 3, but still, that's totally rude of me.
I received the materials I ordered as possibilities for our philosophy/religion discussion group this summer, and I am really impressed with them. I can't wait to show everyone else and get some direction with where to go with the group.
Last night was our last night at the couple's bible study. Due to extenuating circumstances, we won't be able to attend anymore, at least for awhile. This group has been really good for us in the first 3 years of our marriage, and I will miss it. But I was also telling Billy that there comes point when you have to stop learning and discussing about some of these things and just start putting those things into practice. And I am sure the next few months are sure to test us as we go through even more transitions in our lives.
But until then, I am just focusing on vacation, vacation, vacation. Maui, maui, maui...


Blogger Heather said...

I completely agree with you about the fact that there comes a time when there's been enough learning and one must start practicing, or teaching, or whatever one is called to do with the information one has received.

Also, dandelion actually means "lion's teeth." It began as the French phrase "dents de lion." Dents = teeth. :)

1:56 PM  
Blogger dana said...

You should check Garden's Alive for a product. They have everything under the sun there and it's all organic and natural.

12:11 PM  

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