Violating Bugs and Husband-Induced Insomnia

Here on the prairie, the flatland, we have been in paradise for several days now. The sun has been shining, it's been about 70 degrees or so, and it was the weekend--no work! Or, rather, no working for anyone but yourself. Which I love.
The weekend was filled with a lot of new activities, we decided. Husband and I went to a pow-wow for the first time ever. We went with a couple of friends of ours, Chris and Heather. It was a strange event. I felt myself wishing that I could ask someone what was going on without offending them. It didn't seem possible. So, we sat in this sports arena for a couple of hours and tried to figure out what was going on and tried to hear what was being said over the PA. I have no idea what happened. I know I would have liked the pow-wow if I could have understood it.
And I have also decided that a lot of American Indian motifs look a lot like Tibetan art motifs...coincidence???? I think not.
But I am not going to go into any conspiracy theories at the moment because last night I had husband-induced insomnia.
Last night I couldn't fall asleep. It was hot in our room. Husband couldn't sleep either. I thought it was the heat. After two hours of no sleep and lots of calories burned tossing and turning, I finally asked him what was wrong. He answered by going to the bathroom. When he returned, he lay down and explained to me that his shoulder felt "weird and tender" whatever that means. So, here I am in the middle of the night trying to analyze what is wrong with the shoulder.
Have any of you ever attempted to give a shoulder massage in the dark while half asleep and completely exhausted?
It could possibly be listed amongst the least lucid events I've ever taken part in.
Anyway, I told husband my diagnosis--he needed to get some ice and he needed to count his breaths.
Whenever he can't sleep, some delerious part of me thinks "Oh, he needs to do some breathing exercises---he needs to meditate." So, then I try to make him meditate. I don't know if he does it, but I end up doing it thinking about it and eventually fall asleep.
Except for last night. Husband got an ice pack and wrapped it in a towel and brought it into the bed with us. And then let it lie NEXT to him--not under him. And he was falling alseep. So, I got him to put the ice pack underneath his shoulder.
But this just made him wiggle and fidget more and more and more and more.
And I was fidgeting because at this point I am mad because who in the world can't sleep because their shoulder is "weird and tender" and why isn't he doing the Kundalini breathing I told him todo???!!!
Needless to say, I could actually carry groceries in the bags under my eyes today, and I don't have the mental or emotional capacity to carry on conversation, despite someone enticing me with the subjects of: work, poop sandwiches, and "what did you do this weekend" pleasantries that are oh-so-present in every workplace on a Monday.
I hate pleasantries. I only do pleasantries to people I don't like. It just seems like such a lack of authenticity to go around asking EVERYONE how they are today.
What other new activities did we do? Well, we also tried a new church.
It was a really small church--like 15 people--where we were immediately descended upon as guests, asked a million questions, and given no less than three questionaries to fill out.
I don't get intimidated--but this was intimidating. I wanted to just experience the church itself without the church being on trial of it's own accord.
The best thing about the service was when it was over and on the walk home, husband and I found the most violating, huge, and gross bug that I have ever seen in my life and that I will post pictures of later.
So, that was also a new exerience--Huge Violating Waterbug.
Other than that, I actually got to plant fingerling potatoes (aka pooptatoes b/c they are Peruvian Purple and actually, truly look like turds) in the garden. I got to go to a wonderful brunch at Heather's house where I had both a warm latte and and iced latte (the best of both worlds!) and some amazing quiche and other glorious brunch things. And I got to walk about 10 miles in two days--I love nice weather!!!!
I also got to paint a new color in our back entry that makes me no longer hate the back entry. It no longer looks as WT as it used to. It is not painted a cheerful yellow and cleaned up a bit to be remotely habitable by humans.
We had a new addition to our family this weekend. And then we gave that new family member up for adoption. The new family member was a gross, disgusting clown pictures in a non-matching, sky-blue matte that somehow ended up on the hood of my car. And then, mysteriously, it ended up in the window in Matt and Dana's bedroom later in the weekend....right where they were working on their roofing projects.
Probably no one understands the weird obessession with hiding things and giving ugly objects, but I still find it hilarious, and I still blame the bellybutton brush.
Sidenote--this weekend Husband also discovered that our neighbor has a sidejob of being a clown. Random!
Husband and I have been working our way through Season One of Lost, which, at first, I really wasn't all that into, I have to admit. But now, now I am addicted. It took a full 7 episodes, but now I am hooked. Not battlestar galactica, hooked, mind you, but one a scale of 1-10 in enticement, I am about a seven.
Something glorious happened today despite the exit of the Nice Weather--we got our plane tickets and itinerary for Maui. 24 days from today. And I am happy to report that the weight loss is coming along nicely. For my weigh-in last Thursday, I had actually gotten below The Point. You know--that number that you can just never conquer or get below? Well, I conquered it. And, I have barely cheated at all on my diet if we are just talking strictly calories. Until last night when I was soooooooooooooooooooooo hungry and sooooooooooooooooo tired from all of the work of the weekend, and I just had to have chocolate aka chocolate milk and several glasses of wine and an extra serving of beans. I am back on track now--that's the only thing to be done. And given the amount of sheer physical activity of the weekend, I am hoping that one moment of weakness is not going to ruin everything.
We have another event to celebrate soon--Husband is graduating from college/tech school/whatever you want to call it. I got his graduation present today--and I am so excited about it. It is something he's wanted a long, long time, but I won't tell him what it is. I love surprises. And I love that he has stuck to his program and followed through. And I love that he seems to really be passionate about what his work is going to be. An enviable position, I think. So, this transition is going to lead to some re-evaluating of our lives once again, and what we want to do with them, once again, which is good. I am ready for some re-evaluating.
Things are very busy at work now which is why my brain can't think in a straight circle and why this entry is even less cohesive than the rest. Sometimes I just wish I could flip open my skull, take my brain out, and then just squeeze all of the random, useless, work-related information from it so I could walk around real life with a clear head. I can't do this, but what I can do is go to knitting tonight and have some fun times with the girls and hopefully get something done besides talking.
Are you sure that's not a bat?!
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