Clouds of rainbow mohair

Yesterday, my friend, Dana and I, went to go shopping at a coffee house/yarn store in Moorhead. They are moving locations, and they had all of their yarn at 25% off.
Well, I've had this rainbow-dyed mohair blend in my mind for a year now. I have wanted it every time I went there. But of course, it is expensive.
Well, yesterday was my chance to indulge. I can't pass up a good bargain. So, I did it. Three balls of it are now in my possession, and I hope to post pictures tonight. I am going to knit a shawl out of it. It will be my first attempt at lace knitting. I think I am ready for the challenge. I feel like I am ready to graduate to another level of knittingness.
I also got three small skeins of 100% cotton chenille to knit into a really fun butterfly scarf from the Stitch'n'Bitch Nation book.
I know, I know. I said I was purging. I said that I wasn't going to buy any new projects until I had completed EVERYTHING currently in my possession.
But, come on, people--when I am going to get a chance to buy Favorite Yarn at 25% off.
Around here, not very often.
And besides, I have made serious progress on the remaining projects within my possession. I have embroidery on the brain--and I have completed one pillow case for my niece. I have three more pillowcases to do and then a days of the week kitchen towel set, and I am done with that stuff. So, I am not that far off from needing knitting projects anyway.
So, three knitting projects on tap: chenille scarf (could be done in a day easily), glorious rainbow mohair shawl, and caplet made from the yarn that Dana got me for my birthday, also from the StitchnBitch Nation book.
I have also mended nearly every garnment in my wardrobe (and a fair portion of my husband's), so now hopefully we can actually wear all of the clothes in our closets. This is part of the purging--if it is not useful, I have to either make it useful or get rid of it. It is a rule.
Somewhat related to clouds of rainbow mohair--it is officially 36 days until my husband and I get to go frolic in Maui. yes, Maui. As in Hawaii. His sister is getting married there. And of course, we just had to go to the wedding. :-)
By some miracle, we even have enough money to go. Thank you God and thank you tax return.
Today we ammended our travel plans by adding a day trip to the Big Island where we will see Pearl Harbor and the Polynesian Cultural Center--two places I have heard everyone in my entire family on my dad's side talk about for decades. So, check and check to that!
I am so excited to be somewhere tropical. The closest I ever got to tropical was Galveston, TX in March. Actually, on Mardi Gras, to be exact. It wasn't very tropical, but I did swim in the ocean, play with dead jellyfish on the beach, and nearly step onto a hypodermic needle sticking out of the sand. That was when I realized that you shouldn't go barefoot on the beach unless you are sure you have checked your area out thoroughly.
36 days to Maui means 36 days left to lose weight. I hate even talking about this b/c it is so discouraging. I have been on a diet for.....well, since about second grade??? I was really, really skinny for awhile during my short-lived, ex-boyfriend-induced anorexic phase in high school (like 121 pounds), but now I am a womanly, voluptuous 158. I have lost 5 pounds since going on ediets. Well, actually I lost seven and then gained back two which makes me sooooooooooooo SICK. This has been teaching me a lot about self-discipline. And about the fact that yes, the rules do apply to me. I cannot cheat the system. I cannot bend the rules. I can't be a victim about my problems. I have to face them--the only way out is through. But it is very disheartening to go backwards in this quest rather than forwards. Very disheartening. I think it is largely the reason for The Funk.
I have been in The Funk for about two weeks. My husband is also in The Funk. The Funk, for those inexperienced types, is a general feeling of depression, apathy, despondency, and hopelessness for which no real cause can be found.
So, I have to weigh in tomorrow, and I think I am still pretty much at 158 despite only ONE day of even remotely questionable eating.
There just is no cheating the system. I hate it. I can't stand it. I have always been able to squeak by somehow in other areas. But not this one. My body hates me. My metabolism hates me.
But, I am not going to give up. I am not going to use excuses like, I am older, I had kids (I didn't by the way, but that's one I hear a lot--and have heard a lot my whole life), I don't have time, it's too hard, I am destined to look like this--that is all bullshit. I don't believe any of those things. I already work out a couple of times a day and eat well. It is just cutting down on certain things (chocolate, wine, wine, chocolate, chocolate, wine, burger basket) that SUCKS!!!!! It seems unfair.
My mom used to have this magnet on the fridge that said, "Nothing will taste as good as losing weight will feel."
It's true--but it is so hard to remember when you see chocolate icecream cake just begging to be eaten.
Not that I am hugely obese. I can get by as generally well-adjusted.
But, people. We are talking Hawaii. Bikini capital of the world. And I'll be DAMNED if I ain't gonna wear one and look good.
Final order of business. We are going home to my hometown for Easter. Mott the Spot. It is always a short and exhausting trip visiting with two families, high school friends, brothers, sisters, grandma's, grandma's fiances.
Grandma's fiances, you ask?
Oh, yeah, did I forget to mention that my hottie of a Grandma is getting married to someone 18 years younger than she?
This lady took care of herself--obviously. May I be like her!
At any rate, they are having an all-out wedding. With a reception and dance and everything. It is a Mona Event. Mona always has her way. And this is no exception.
So, despite the fact that I have sworn off singing or music or anything having to do with that, I was told, not asked, my you, told that I would be singing and playing for the wedding.
So, I am going home for Easter armed with a stack of possible music.
It is not easy finding songs for older couples. Most of them are too cutesy cutesy or too we just graduated from college and have our whole lives ahead of us.
I am trying to go with a dance theme since this is something the couple enjoys doing together.
I am trying to emotionally prepare for the Viewing of the Music by Mona.
After singing and playing at my grandfather's funeral, I am hoping that this will be a walk in the park in the emotional control department. Please, please, please....
Anyway, I am proud of my grandma. She is a hottie. She got a man 18 years younger than her when she is in her 70's. You betta recognize!
And I am hoping that we don't all drown in wedding plans.
I wish you an evening full of rainbow clouds and ugly bridesmaid dresses.
I hope your not planning on seeing Pearl Harbor and the cultural center on the Big Island aka Hawaii, because they're not there just a big ass volcano
mmm... rainbow mohair...
I think you should tell Mona that you will only sing songs by NKOTB such as "I'll Be Loving You (Forever)" "You Got It (The Right Stuff)" and "Cover Girl" NKOTB seems like her style, no ? :)
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